Image: Cleaver in Hero Wars Wallpaper

Cleaver Guide Hero Wars Alliance

By: Alexandre Domingos. Last updated on: 04/02/2024

Main Attributes

Position Frontline
Role Tank, Control
Main Statistic Strength
Faction Chaos
How to Obtain Heroic Chest
Tier List 2024
Hero Tier List S
Hydra Tier List A

Strategy on how to use Cleaver

Cleaver has always been a very difficult hero to get, as it is only possible to get it by opening the heroic chest and acquiring it with the number of absolute stars, which are 6. With the new update after opening 400 heroic chests, a great reward will be delivered, and the first reward will be the Cleaver, the other rewards are super skins+.

As one of the tanks in the Chaos faction Cleaver becomes a great ally for new heroes Aidan and Kayla making strong arena teams, in addition to being great on other teams as well.

Cleaver uses his ax to pull enemies that are positioned on the back line, making them easy targets to annihilate, as these enemies do not have enough defense to block in front of a tank, and that of Cleaver is a very feared tank for those who are not prepared to face it.

As a tank, Cleaver is very strong in Hero Wars Mobile and certainly can be a strong ally in your team.

Cleaver Talisman Guide

The Cleaver Talisman in Hero Wars Alliance is a crucial piece for boosting the Cleaver hero's power, providing significant increases in Strength and Health stats. This strategic addition not only extends the Cleaver's durability on the battlefield but also intensifies its offensive impact.

When equipping the Cleaver Talisman, the player will experience a notable increase in Strength and Health stats. This improvement not only strengthens the hero's ability to deal with damage but also increases his resistance, making him more resilient in the face of enemy attacks. The combination of these benefits contributes to Cleaver's more robust presence in clashes.

Additionally, the additional Strength gained from Talisman is especially valuable, as this increase synergizes with Cleaver's violet passive ability. This results in a unique synergy, where each additional point of Strength not only strengthens your physical attacks but is also reflected in a corresponding increase in Health. This cycle of mutual empowerment creates an upward spiral of power for Cleaver.

By enhancing strength and health gains, the Cleaver Talisman contributes to the optimization of all the Cleaver's abilities. This means that as the Cleaver becomes more powerful, its active and passive abilities benefit proportionally, resulting in a more impactful and effective overall performance in combat.

In short, the Cleaver Talisman plays a key role in hero enhancement, offering substantial increases in Strength and Health stats. With its unique ability to reinforce the Force and enhance all of Cleaver's abilities, this talisman becomes a valuable strategic choice for those seeking to maximize the power of this formidable warrior in the Hero Wars Alliance universe.

Attributes of the Decay Talisman
Slot Statistics Points
0 Strength +2000
1 Health +55000
2 Health +55000
3 Health +55000

Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • Throws the grappling hook and pulls low defense heroes to the frontline
  • Deals pure damage to the enemy frontline
  • Stuns enemies with your axe
  • Extra main attribute gain Strength +3220

Negative Points

  • Hook can pull enemy counters (Martha, Dorian)
  • Hook can be blocked by Andvari

Stats Evolution Priority

Glyphs Priority

In Cleaver glyphs prioritize Armor and then level up health and strength to improve your Putrefaction skill and give more survivability, lastly magic defense and physical attack.

  1. Armor
  2. Health
  3. Strength
  4. Magical Defense
  5. Physical Attack

Artifacts Priority

In Cleaver Artifacts, priority should be given to the Book to gain armor and magic defense, then the Ring to gain more life and physical attack, finally the Weapon, even though it is armor for the whole team, it depends on being activated to work and can take time.

  1. Book
  2. Ring
  3. Weapon (Armor)

Skins Priority

For the skins, follow the same sequence and priorities used for the Cleaver glyphs.

  1. Armor
  2. Health
  3. Strength
  4. Magical Defense
  5. Physical Attack
Cleaver with Summer Skin, Hero Wars Mobile.
Cleaver with Summer Skin, Hero Wars Mobile.

Cleaver vs Hydra

Cleaver isn't a great hero against hydras, but as a strong and resilient tank it can help your team while you don't have a meta hydra team.

  • Cleaver team suggestion for Hydras: Aidan, Dorian, Xe'sha, Jorgen, Cleaver

Cleaver in Battles

Strong Against

  • Phobos, Helios, Lian, Lars, Thea, Jet, Daredevil, Aidan


  • Andvari, Martha, Dorian, Fafnir, Jorgen, Rufus

Guide to the Best Cleaver Teams

1. Crowd Control (CC) Team:

2. Sustain Team:

3. Area Damage (AoE) Team:

4. Tank Team:

5. Combat and Resistance Team:

6. High-Speed Team:

7. Ability Combo Team:

Choose your team according to the situation and strategy that best fit your playstyle and the demands of battle. Experiment with different combinations and adapt your team as needed to achieve victory with Cleaver!

Cleaver Guide Conclusion

In essence, Cleaver epitomizes strength, resilience, and strategic prowess in the Hero Wars Alliance universe. His acquisition may be arduous, but the rewards of mastering this formidable warrior are unparalleled. By leveraging Cleaver's abilities and synergies, along with the strategic use of the Cleaver Talisman, players can unlock his full potential and lead their team to victory.

As you embark on your journey with Cleaver, remember that mastery comes with practice, adaptation, and a deep understanding of his strengths and weaknesses. With perseverance and strategic acumen, Cleaver will undoubtedly emerge as a cornerstone of your team, propelling you towards triumph in the ever-competitive landscape of Hero Wars Alliance.

So, equip yourself with knowledge, hone your skills, and embrace the challenge of mastering Cleaver. For in the end, victory awaits those who dare to wield the power of this indomitable hero.

Are You Ready to Master Cleaver and Dominate the Battlefield?

Video suggestion

Video: Cleaver Guide, How to level up Cleaver.

Video: How long did I take to unlock Cleaver

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